Saturday, February 25, 2012

God Is v. God Is Not

God Is

Some philosophers, such as Wittgenstein, take a view that in some ways is considered anti-realist and oppose philosophical arguments related to God's existence. For instance, Charles Taylor contends that the real is whatever will not go away. If we cannot reduce talk about God to anything else, or replace it, or prove it false, then perhaps God is as real as anything else.

Of  Witness
Christianity and Judaism assert that God intervened in key specific moments in history, especially at the Exodus and the giving of the Ten Commandments in front of all the tribes of Israel, positing an argument from empirical evidence stemming from sheer number of witnesses, thus demonstrating his existence.

The argument from the Resurrection of Jesus. This asserts that there is sufficient historical evidence for Jesus's resurrection to support his claim to be the son of God and indicates, a fortiori, God's existence. This is one of several arguments known as the Christological argument.

Christian apologetics
Christian apologetics has taken many forms over the centuries, starting with Paul the Apostle, including writers such as Origen and Augustine of Hippo, and continuing currently with the modern Christian community through the efforts of many authors in various Christian traditions such as G.K.Chesterton and C. S. Lewis. Apologists have based their defense of Christianity on historical evidence, philosophical arguments, scientific investigation, and arguments from other disciplines.

God Is Not

1.       If the law is against you pound the facts

2.       If the facts are against you pound the law

3.       It both the law and the facts are against you pound the table

4.       If you don't have an argument… abuse the other side.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I usually keri a .380, but a .32 for sure,
Don’t take my Rights for granted— This violence,
A POP!- The Heat!-  A cure for sure.

Bad man…sneak’s around my back,
Just because I’m old an gray,
You sleazy slime ball thug- you think…you can attack?

POP!--- POP- POP!-
Was Meant for you, Round 1…2,3…
*Bill of Rights*—    Right Number II.  Was meant for me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Let this be the summit of our ambition, to find grace in the eyes of the Lord
-Matthew Henry 1710

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Success may elude us,
I often ask why?
Some people have it,
While others just try.

If, Dues, are the subject,
Are they just a debt?
Or do all have to pay them
With tears, blood, and sweat!

I look at some people,
Have the world on a string.
Are they happy? Successful?—
The thought begs the question…does success leave a sting?

Success…is it felt?
Or a matter of mind?
Is it a label that’s given?
To those who seem kind.

An Einstein? An Edison?
A Christian Dior?
A genius, inventor,
A label for sure.

Will I feel successful?
Sometime, I should bet.
Who will tell me I am?
Has success hit me yet?

Will I see it? Or know it?
To hold in my hand?—
A plaque may be given
For those who do grand!

Is success in the mind?
Is it found in the heart?
Is this what success is?
Or…can I just play the part!

Altitude Adjustment 2012
Keri Heat 1982


When he wasn’t crisscrossing
The United States,
On highways, some on rock or dirt,
And some on Gospel Faith

He’d fix a screen door…
Paint the porch out back–
My Grandpa was a Preacher,
The Reverend, Brother Mac—

I trailed him through the basement,
Past boxes to his old workbench,
He was always humming hymns…
Ah… there it is… a big pipe wrench.

I followed him, up the steps
Out the slanted door
Out Into the small backyard,
The backyards…lined up in a row.

Back upstairs, I followed him,
Humming, all the time.
Some I didn’t recognize, but this?
    “Heavenly Sunshine”

On the floor I sat, legs crossed,
While I watch him, fix the sink.
He was humming, At The Cross.
I guess it helps him think.

I think it is a preaching thing,,,
His mind, some thoughts, they cross
He grabbed a pen, at his study desk,
Jot down some notes… before their lost.

We drove Aunt Betty to the store.
She got back in. He locks the door.
We take a drive…”Is it raining here?”
Grandpa says, “That’s the Jersey Shore!”

I like it here... new car smell. 

Big whitewall tires, New Oldsmobile—

Soon…back home…he’ll drive me there—
If…you love someone…its not quite fair—
No humming...left the air empty.

I found his notes…his thoughts aren’t lost.
I can faintly hear…
Jesus Saves…and sometimes,
Beneath the Cross.

Keri Heat

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Jimmy needs some auto parts,
Cause Jimmy broke his car,
He hit that ditch by Sink’n Creek,
And shoved the wheel up, pretty far.

Jimmy says, this walk’n…this is for the birds.
Jimmy calls ol’ Junior,
Well Junior, already heard…
Jimmy wrecked at Sink’n Creek an walk’n is for birds.

Hey Junior, will ya drive me down,
To Curly Joe’s, there just in town,
I got a get some parts and quick,
I got a date with a real cute chick… gotta have my car.

Hey Curly, I need a five bolt Rat Rod wheel,
I need it quick and…I needs a deal.
Curly says, Jimmy— Wheels…twenty sixty five       ($20.65)
Trouble is Jim; I’m outta wheels, no jive.

C’mon Junior, will run on down to Slick’s
If we’re fast, we’ll catch him, he closes up at six.
Seen ‘em in his window, he’s got maybe four pair,
But ya gotta watch Slick’s prices; make sure he treats ya fair.

Hey Slick…
I need an Anson Rat Rod wheel, what’s the cost to me?
Jim, I got em up front and, they’re thirty eighty three           ($30.83)
Wow Slick–    Curly only charges, twenty sixty five.                          ($20.65)

Well Jimmy, ya better hurry, sounds like Curly is your man—
But Slick… Curly doesn’t have em in stock, which I don’t understand.—
Then Jimmy…Curly is no deal son…and I kid you not, no jive,
When we don’t have those wheels in stock, they’re only sixteen ninety five!    ($16.95)

Keri Heat
Hey Rudy, Thanks